Friday 19 July 2013

MEET T-FURNACE... Abuja's new Kid on the block

Every generation has a trend setter, a pathfinder who decides to take the arts to a whole new level. Seems like Abuja has finally found itself a replacement for the greats who have come and moved on.  Born in Bridgeport, CT, USA and raised in Nashville TN, Timothy Isong aka T- FURNACE Has a wife and 2 kids: Mary and Elijah Isong. A Fire-Branded lyricist dedicated to the expansion of God's kingdom, Timothy started flowing at 15 years of age and has no plans of stopping any time soon. His music style simply flows from dropping punch lines in slow gospel songs to hardcore hip hop.  He claims the "studios are my second home, Church is my first, got mansions in Heaven, a boss."


He claims his greatest supporters are his wife, kids, and over amazing parents, Engineer Mr & Mrs Don Isong, friends, and fans. His new single BABU WANDA is rocking airwaves right now, topping the Abuja top 10 countdown Show on Cool fm Abuja.